Glossary of Terms
Below are listed many of the terms used in this website with brief explanations.
A compiled software component based on COM that encapsulates a set of business functionality. The functionality in an ActiveX component is accessed through ActiveX Automation interfaces. The ActiveX component can execute either on a client computer or on a server computer, transparent to the calling application, through DCOM. ActiveX components can be driven by a language such as Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) or Microsoft JScript. All Java applets, running in the Microsoft virtual machine for Java, are automatically ActiveX components and use the file name extension .class. ActiveX components that run within the calling application process use the file name extensions .dll or .ocx. ActiveX components that run outside of the calling application process use the file name extension .exe.
Animation is the creation of a timed sequence or series of graphic images or frames combined together to give the appearance of continuous movement.
A software package designed to perform a specific set of functions. Examples include word processors, Web browsers, database tools, and graphics programs.
The amount of data that can be sent from one computer to another through a particular connection in a certain amount of time. The more bandwidth available, the faster you are able to access information on a network (or the internet).
Made to users exact specification.
(Compact Disk - Read Only Memory) - A computer storage medium which can store large amounts of information; generally used to distribute software or multi-media for use on computers with CD-ROM drives. CD-ROM disks look just like music CDs, and cannot be altered by a user.
A list of page or area titles which are visible at all times and can be clicked to view the respective page.
A physical link to a web page or web site.
Content Management System - Area(s) developed / provided for site owners / staff to update their web site dynamically.
The process of finding and eliminating mistakes in computer programs or other software. Also called troubleshooting.
Domain Name System - storing / associating information with domain names such as IP Addresses and email exchanges for each domain name. The DNS is a fundamental part of the internet.
This is the unique name that identifies an Internet site. Domain Names always have at least two parts, which are separated by dots (for instance The part on the left is specific whereas the part on the right is more general.
Transferring files or information from a remote computer to your computer. (opposite of upload)
Adobe Flash (formerly known as Macromedia Flash) - Commercial Software for creating smooth animations and interactivity with the user. see:
Content of a web page or web site which is created using Adobe Flash.
The physical file created using Adobe Flash. File extension .swf (shockwave flash)
The pattern into which data are systematically arranged for use on a computer. Graphical format is a picture depicting another form of file format for example a web page.
Any computer on a network that is a repository for services available to other computers/nodes on the network. A web host is a computer that acts as a repository for files and folders constituting a web site making it available to other computers on the internet.
A service provided by a host supplying the user with all that is needed to display a web site on the internet.
Hypertext Markup Language - The coded format language used for creating hypertext documents on the World Wide Web and controlling how web pages appear.
A small graphic (picture) on a Web page that represents a topic, document, file or information category on another Web page. Frequently, the icon is a link to another page.
Interactive applications or programs are computer programs that accept input from the user and provide to two-way communication between a computer system and its user. Interaction between computer and user may take place through typed commands, mouse clicks, button presses or other means of interfacing.
In the terms of web-marketing - the process of advertising, promoting, gathering market statistics and ensuring the maximum profitability of a web site or service.
Acronym for modulator/de-modulator. A hardware device that allows a computer to transmit and receive information over telephone lines. A modem converts digital data from computers into analog data that can be transmitted over the telephone lines.
Information presented in more than one format, such as text, audio, video, graphics, and images.
To make adjustments to software or graphics so it runs or is displayed more efficiently.
Also know as "add-on". A small piece of software that enriches a larger piece of software by adding features or functions. Plug-ins enable browsers to play audio, video or animation and enhances the capabilities of your browser application to take advantage of special technologies available on some web sites.
A web-based program that allows users to search for and retrieve specific information from the World Wide Web. Typically, the user types a word or phrase into a search box and the search engine displays links to relevant web pages.
A process to ensure web pages and web sites are working correctly.
Also know as crawling. Search engines' process of surfing the web, storing URLs and indexing keywords, links and text.
Pictures or images that have no movement (are static).
Streaming video is a sequence of "moving images" that are sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive. Usually streaming works by downloading an initial portion of the file, known as a buffer, into the user's viewer or player where the application begins playback of the file whilst the remainder downloads.
Transferring of files or information from your computer (local computer) to a remote computer. (opposite of download)
The process in which an application (or software program) responds to the actions of the user.
Web Content Management. (see CMS)
The process taken to design and develop a Web site.
A document, usually written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), that can be accessed on the Internet. Web pages can contain information, graphics, and hyperlinks to other Web pages and files.
A collection of "web pages" or files linked together and available on the World Wide Web. Web sites are provided by companies, organizations and individuals.
A collection of files, media, storage software and other web based applications to form a bespoke product for a company or individual for use on the internet.
The disk space on a Web Server that is set aside for and contains all the files necessary for a Web site.
A general plan for a company's website to harness its objectives and to achieve a desired state in the future.
Techniques harnessed by people using the internet usually to integrate with other users or companies using the same methods.
Extensible Markup Language - a general purpose markup language allowing users to define their own tags. Mainly used as a form to share data across different platforms.